Statement of income - Group

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
(NOK million)NoteQ4 2023Q4 202220232022
Interest income from assets at amortised cost 1 2078044 2212 386
Interest income from assets at fair value 204129695344
Interest expenses 9055013 0161 213
Net interest income3 5064321 9001 517
Commission income and revenues from banking services 7268258248
Commission expenses and charges from banking services 1194234
Other operating income 983432
Net commission and other operating income7 7067250246
Dividends 010111
Net change in value of financial instruments 12544-18
Net result from financial instruments7 13545-7
Total other income7 71102295239
Total income 5775342 1951 756
Salaries, wages etc. 135122482430
Depreciation and impairment of non-financial assets 12124946
Other operating expenses 9582328271
Total operating expenses8 242216859747
Profit before impairment on loans 3353181 3361 009
Impairment on loans, guarantees etc.5 -1172-53-4
Pre-tax profit 4523161 3891 013
Taxes 11274334236
Profit after tax 3402421 055777
Allocated to equity owners 3272311 007746
Allocated to owners of Additional Tier 1 capital 13114831
Profit per EC (NOK) 1) 3.282.3310.127.50
Diluted earnings per EC (NOK) 1) 3.282.3310.127.50
Distributed dividend per EC (NOK)
* EC (MORG) was split 1:5 in April 2022. The restated dividend per EC for 2021, paid in 2022, will thus be NOK 3.20.
(NOK million) Q4 2023Q4 202220232022
Profit after tax 3402421 055777
Items that may subsequently be reclassified to the income statement:     
Basisswap spreads - changes in value -14-28-3730
Tax effect of changes in value on basisswap spreads 378-6
Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement:     
Pension estimate deviations 146146
Tax effect of pension estimate deviations 0-120-12
Total comprehensive income after tax 3302551 027835
Allocated to equity owners 317244979804
Allocated to owners of Additional Tier 1 capital 13114831
1) Calculated using the EC-holders' share (49.7 %) of the period's profit to be allocated to equity owners.