Statement of cash flow - Group

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
(NOK million)31.12.202231.12.2021
Cash flow from operating activities  
Interest, commission and fees received2 8071 884
Interest, commission and fees paid-580-277
Interest received on certificates, bonds and other securities21394
Dividend and group contribution received113
Operating expenses paid-630-531
Income taxes paid-334-104
Changes relating to loans to and claims on other financial institutions506299
Changes relating to repayment of loans/leasing to customers-5 169-3 037
Changes in utilised credit facilities-966-90
Net change in deposits from customers2 0282 829
Proceeds from the sale of certificates, bonds and other securities13 5026 286
Purchases of certificates, bonds and other securities-14 687-10 013
Net cash flow from operating activities-3 299-2 657
Cash flow from investing activities  
Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets etc.00
Purchase of fixed assets etc.-35-17
Changes in other assets86135
Net cash flow from investing activities51118
Cash flow from financing activities  
Interest paid on debt securities and subordinated loan capital-702-268
Net change in deposits from Norges Bank and other financial institutions-394-1 229
Proceeds from bond issues raised8 2246 346
Redemption of debt securities-3 546-2 150
Dividend paid-158-133
Changes in other debt-230-118
Redemption of Additional Tier 1 capital-3490
Proceeds from issued Additional Tier 1 capital4000
Paid interest on Additional Tier 1 capital issued-31-23
Net cash flow from financing activities3 2142 425
Net change in cash and cash equivalents-34-114
Cash balance at 01.01428542
Cash balance at 31.12394428