Statement of income - Group

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
(NOK million)NoteQ3 2024Q3 202330.09.202430.09.20232023
Interest income from assets at amortised cost 1 2991 1373 8193 0144 221
Interest income from assets at fair value 202184615491695
Interest expenses 9788342 8852 1113 016
Net interest income3 5234871 5491 3941 900
Commission income and revenues from banking services 7568195186258
Commission expenses and charges from banking services 1012303142
Other operating income 159392534
Net commission and other operating income7 8065204180250
Dividends 40811
Net change in value of financial instruments 1923514344
Net result from financial instruments7 2323594445
Total other income7 10388263224295
Total income 6265751 8121 6182 195
Salaries, wages etc. 133120394347482
Depreciation and impairment of non-financial assets 1413403749
Other operating expenses 9675286233328
Total operating expenses8 243208720617859
Profit before impairment on loans 3833671 0921 0011 336
Impairment on loans, guarantees etc.5 1734-164-53
Pre-tax profit 3663331 0939371 389
Taxes 8680258222334
Profit after tax 2802538357151 055
Allocated to equity owners 2652407886801 007
Allocated to owners of Additional Tier 1 capital 1513473548
Profit per EC (NOK) 1) 2.662.427.926.8410.12
Diluted earnings per EC (NOK) 1) 2.662.427.926.8410.12
Distributed dividend per EC (NOK)
(NOK million) Q3 2024Q3 202330.09.202430.09.20232023
Profit after tax 2802538357151 055
Items that may subsequently be reclassified to the income statement:      
Basisswap spreads - changes in value 1-16-10-23-37
Tax effect of changes in value on basisswap spreads -14258
Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement:      
Pension estimate deviations 00 01
Tax effect of pension estimate deviations 00 00
Total comprehensive income after tax 2802418276971 027
Allocated to equity owners 265228780662979
Allocated to owners of Additional Tier 1 capital 1513473548
1) Calculated using the EC-holders' share (49.7 %) of the period's profit to be allocated to equity owners.