Statement of cash flow - Group

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
(NOK million)30.06.202430.06.202331.12.2023
Cash flow from operating activities   
Interest, commission and fees received2 8242 1194 775
Interest, commission and fees paid-962-663-1 363
Interest received on certificates, bonds and other securities264197439
Dividend and group contribution received511
Operating expenses paid-421-365-786
Income taxes paid-193-239-210
Net change in loans to and claims on other financial institutions333-2 225-559
Net change in repayment loans to customers-2 716-2 666-4 753
Net change in utilised credit facilities-763-287-688
Net change in deposits from customers1 8302 4593 529
Proceeds from the sale of certificates, bonds and other securities8 1738 88611 401
Purchases of certificates, bonds and other securities-9 335-9 661-12 840
Net cash flow from operating activities-961-2 444-1 054
Cash flow from investing activities   
Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets etc.000
Purchase of fixed assets etc.-16-20-41
Net change in other assets86-30-159
Net cash flow from investing activities70-50-200
Cash flow from financing activities   
Interest paid on debt securities and subordinated loan capital-996-728-1 676
Net change in deposits from Norges Bank and other financial institutions176981640
Proceeds from bond issues raised3 8115 9948 392
Redemption of debt securities-1 638-3 761-5 786
Dividend paid-371-198-198
Net change in other debt61461-198
Net change in Additional Tier 1 capital9800
Paid interest on Additional Tier 1 capital issued-32-22-48
Net cash flow from financing activities1 1092 7271 126
Net change in cash and cash equivalents216233-128
Cash balance, OB266394394
Cash balance, CB482627266