Note 9

Transactions with related parties
These are transactions between the Parent Bank and wholly-owned subsidiaries which have been done at arm`s length and at arm`s length`s prices.
The most important transactions which have been done and netted out in the Group accounts are as follows:
PARENT BANK30.06.201630.06.201531.12.2015
Statement of income   
Interest and credit commission income from subsidiaries101119
Received dividend and group contribution from subsidiaries176191191
Rent paid to Sparebankeiendom AS8918
Administration fee received from Møre Boligkreditt AS131224
Statement of financial position   
Claims on subsidiaries2 0391 4161 121
Covered bonds25750
Liabilities to subsidiaries254236307
Accumulated loan portfolio transferred to Møre Boligkreditt AS18 14116 03416 911