Statement of financial position - Group

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
Amounts in NOK millionNote31.03.201831.03.201731.12.2017
Cash and claims on Norges Bank5 6 9 264582637
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions5 6 9 2 3665781 295
Loans to and receivables from customers2 3 4 5 7 9 58 19453 99356 867
Certificates, bonds and other interest-bearing securities5 7 9 6 3836 2126 096
Financial derivatives5 7 8151 1041 004
Shares and other securities5 7 186154188
Deferred tax benefit 614359
Intangible assets 394542
Fixed assets 225235228
Other assets 7417875
Total assets 68 60763 12466 491
Liabilities and equity    
Amounts in NOK millionNote31.03.201831.03.201731.12.2017
Loans and deposits from credit institutions5 6 9 9301 292569
Deposits from customers2 5 7 9 33 53932 65632 803
Debt securities issued5 6 25 97521 20724 488
Financial derivatives5 7 334531483
Other liabilities 764734558
Incurred costs and prepaid income 465178
Other provisions for incurred liabilities and costs 844096
Additional Tier 1 capital5 6 307823302
Subordinated loan capital5 6 7025021 036
Total liabilities 62 68157 83660 413
EC capital10 989989989
ECs owned by the Bank -5-5-5
Share premium 355354355
Additional Tier 1 capital 3490349
Paid-in equity 1 6881 3381 688
Primary capital fund 2 5142 3442 470
Gift fund 125125125
Dividend equalisation fund 1 2591 0911 216
Value adjustment fund 05178
Other equity 203208501
Total comprehensive income after tax 1371310
Retained earnings 4 2383 9504 390
Total equity 5 9265 2886 078
Total liabilities and equity 68 60763 12466 491