Note 1

Accounting principles

Møre Boligkreditt AS’ interim accounts have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the EU as of 31 December 2024. The interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. The accounts are prepared using the same principles and with the same methodology as the annual accounts for 2023.

All amounts are stated in NOK million unless stated otherwise.

The interim financial statements are not audited.


Note 2

Equity and related capital

Tier 1 capital and supplementary capital31.12.202431.12.2023
Share capital and share premium1 6501 550
Liability credit reserve-43-13
Other equity169128
Total equity1 7761 665
Value adjustments of financial instruments at fair value-4-3
Expected IRB-losses exceeding ECL-53-45
Proposed dividends-169-128
Common Equity Tier 1 capital1 5501 489
Supplementary capital00
Net equity and subordinated loan capital1 5501 489
Risk-Weighted Assets (RWA) by exposure classes  
Credit risk - standardised approach31.12.202431.12.2023
Regional governments or local authorities00
Institutions (banks etc)319255
Covered bonds88
Other items00
Total credit risk - standardised approach327263
Credit risk - IRB Foundation  
Retail - Secured by real estate7 4836 773
Retail - Other00
Corporate lending74
Total credit risk - IRB-Foundation7 4906 777
Credit valuation adjustment risk (CVA) - market risk9491
Operational risk (Basic indicator Approach)455509
Risk weighted assets (RWA)8 3677 640
Minimum requirement Common Equity Tier 1 capital (4.5 %)377344
Buffer Requirement31.12.202431.12.2023
Countercyclical buffer (2,5 %)209191
Capital conservation buffer (2.5 %)209191
Systemic risk buffer (4,5 %)377344
Total buffer requirements795726
Available Common Equity Tier 1 capital after buffer requirements379419
Capital adequacy as a percentage of the weighted asset calculation basis31.12.202431.12.2023
Capital adequacy ratio18.5 %19.5 %
Tier 1 capital ratio18.5 %19.5 %
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio18.5 %19.5 %
Leverage ratio31.12.202431.12.2023
Leverage ratio4.0 %4.3 %
Møre Boligkreditt AS' capital requirements at 31 December 2024 are based on IRB-Foundation.

Note 3

Operating segments

Møre Boligkreditt AS’ business mainly comprises operations within the retail banking market. Møre Boligkreditt AS has only one operating segment.

Loans to and receivables from customers    
31.12.2024Gross loans measured at amortised costECL Stage 1ECL Stage 2ECL Stage 3Loans measured at fair valueNet loans to and receivables from customers
Loans to and receivables from customers33 126-1-3-12 62535 746
31.12.2023Gross loans measured at amortised costECL Stage 1ECL Stage 2ECL Stage 3Loans measured at fair valueNet loans to and receivables from customers
Loans to and receivables from customers30 161-2-902 20732 357
Net interest income  
(NOK million)31.12.202431.12.2023
Interest income from:  
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions5742
Loans to and receivables from customers1 9031 596
Certificates, bonds and other interest-bearing securities2717
Interest income1 9871 655
Interest expenses in respect of:  
Loans from credit institutions167176
Debt securities issued1 5301 235
Other interest expenses77
Interest expenses1 7041 418
Net interest income283237

Note 4

Impairment, losses and non-performance

Møre Boligkreditt AS applies a three-stage approach when assessing ECL on loans to customers in accordance with IFRS 9.

  • Stage 1: At initial recognition and if there’s no significant increase in credit risk, the commitment is classified in stage 1 with 12-months ECL.

  • Stage 2: If a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition is identified, but without evidence of loss, the commitment is transferred to stage 2 with lifetime ECL measurement.

  • Stage 3: If the credit risk increases further and there’s evidence of loss, the commitment is transferred to stage 3.

 Staging is performed at account level and implies that two or more accounts held by the same customer can be placed in different stages.

Specification of credit loss expense (NOK millon)Q4 2024Q4 202320242023
Changes in Expected Credit Loss (ECL) in stage 100-10
Changes in Expected Credit Loss (ECL) in stage 2-10-61
Changes in Expected Credit Loss (ECL) in stage 31010
Total impairments on loans in the period00-61
Changes in ECL in the period (NOK million) - 31.12.2024Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
ECL 31.12.202329011
New loans1102
Disposal of loans-1-20-3
Changes in ECL in the period for loans which have not migrated-1-20-3
Migration to stage 10-30-3
Migration to stage 20000
Migration to stage 30011
Other changes0000
ECL 31.12.20241315
Changes in ECL in the period (NOK million) - 31.12.2023Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
ECL 31.12.202228010
New loans1203
Disposal of loans0-20-2
Changes in ECL in the period for loans which have not migrated0000
Migration to stage 10-20-2
Migration to stage 20202
Migration to stage 30000
Other changes0000
ECL 31.12.202329011
Commitments (exposure) divided into risk groups based on probability of default (NOK million)
31.12.2024Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
Low risk (0 % - < 0.5 %)32 202112032 314
Medium risk (0.5 % - < 3 %)8191 36102 180
High risk (3 % - <100 %)304762508
PD = 100 %--33
Total commitments before ECL33 0511 949535 005
- ECL-1-3-1-5
Loans to and receivables from customers 31.12.2024 *)33 0501 946435 000
31.12.2023Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
Low risk (0 % - < 0.5 %)27 8881 480029 367
Medium risk (0.5 % - < 3 %)1611 85802 019
High risk (3 % - <100 %)44260431
PD=100 %--99
Total commitments before ECL28 0543 763931 826
- ECL-2-90-11
Loans to and receivables from customers 31.12.2023 *)28 0523 754931 815
*) The tables above show exposures (incl. undrawn credit facilities) and are not including fixed rate loans assessed at fair value. The figures are thus not reconcilable against balances in the statement of financial position.

Note 5

Financial instruments

The company’s portfolio of financial instruments is at initial recognition classified in accordance with IFRS 9. Financial assets are classified in one of the following categories:

• Amortised cost
• Fair value with any changes in value through the income statement

The classification of the financial assets depends on two factors:

• The purpose of the acquisition of the financial instrument
• The contractual cash flows from the financial assets

Financial assets measured at amortised cost
The classification of the financial assets assumes that the following requirements are met:

• The asset is acquired to receive contractual cash flows
• The contractual cash flows consist solely of principal and interest

With the exception of fixed rate loans, all lending and receivables are recorded in the accounts at amortised cost, based on expected cash flows. The difference between the issue cost and the settlement amount at maturity, is amortised over the lifetime of the loan.

Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost
Debt securities, including debt securities included in fair value hedging and loans and deposits from credit institutions, are measured at amortised cost based on expected cash flows.

Financial instruments measured at fair value, any changes in value recognised through the income statement
The company's portfolio of bonds in the liquidity portfolio is classified at fair value with any value changes through the income statement, based on the business model of the company.

The portfolio of fixed interest rate loans is measured at fair value to avoid accounting mismatch in relation to the underlying interest rate swaps.

Financial derivatives are instruments used to mitigate any interest- or currency risk incurred by the company. Financial derivatives are recorded at fair value, with any changes in value through the income statement, and recognised gross per contract, as either asset or debt.

Changes in basis swaps effects for swaps included in fair value hedging are recognised in OCI.

Losses and gains as a result of value changes on assets and liabilities measured at fair value with any value changes being recognised in the income statement, are included in the accounts during the period in which they occur.

Financial instruments at fair value are classified into different levels based on the quality of market data for each type of instrument.

Level 1 – Valuation based on prices in an active market
Level 1 comprises financial instruments valued by using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. This category includes bonds and certificates in LCR-level 1, traded in active markets.

Level 2 – Valuation based on observable market data
Level 2 comprises financial instruments valued by using information which is not quoted prices, but where prices are directly or indirectly observable for assets or liabilities, including quoted prices in inactive markets for identical assets or liabilities. This category mainly includes derivatives and bonds which are not included in level 1.

Level 3 – Valuation based on other than observable market data
Level 3 comprises financial instruments which cannot be valued based on directly or indirectly observable prices. Loans to customers are included in this category.

A change of 10 basis points in the discount rate will have an effect of approximately NOK 5.7 million on the valuation of the fixed rate loans as at 31.12.2024. 

Classification of financial instrumentsFinancial instruments at fair value through profit or lossFinancial instruments carried at amortised cost
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions  1 9111 384
Loans to and receivables from customers2 6252 20733 12130 150
Certificates and bonds208154  
Financial derivatives913705  
Total financial assets3 7463 06635 03231 534
Loans from credit institutions  5 1994 437
Debt securities issued  31 50328 311
Financial derivatives14470  
Total financial liabilities1447036 70232 748
Fair value of financial instruments at amortised cost31.12.202431.12.2023
 Fair valueBook valueFair valueBook value
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions1 9111 9111 3841 384
Loans to and receivables from customers33 12133 12130 15030 150
Total financial assets35 03235 03231 53431 534
Loans from credit institutions5 1995 1994 4374 437
Debt securities issued31 55331 50328 40628 311
Total financial liabilities36 75236 70232 84332 748
Financial instruments at fair value - 31.12.2024Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Loans to and receivables from customers  2 6252 625
Certificates and bonds208  208
Financial derivatives 913 913
Total financial assets2089132 6253 746
Financial derivatives 144 144
Total financial liabilities-144-144
Financial instruments at fair value - 31.12.2023Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Loans to and receivables from customers  2 2072 207
Certificates and bonds154  154
Financial derivatives 705 705
Total financial assets1547052 2073 066
Financial derivatives 70 70
Total financial liabilities-70-70
Reconciliation of movements in Level 3 during the periodLoans to and receivables from customers
Book value as at 31.12.20232 207
Transferred to Level 30
Transferred out of Level 30
Gains/losses during the period-9
Book value as at 31.12.20242 625
Reconciliation of movements in Level 3 during the periodLoans to and receivables from customers
Book value as at 31.12.20222 446
Transferred to Level 30
Transferred out of Level 30
Gains/losses during the period16
Book value as at 31.12.20232 207

Note 6

Issued covered bonds

Securities issued at floating interest rates are measured at amortised cost. Fair value hedge accounting is used for the company's securities issued at fixed rate terms, and changes in fair value (due to the hedged risk) are recognized in profit and loss.

Covered bonds (NOK million)  
ISIN codeCurr.Nominal value 31.12.2024InterestIssuedMaturity31.12.202431.12.2023
NO0010588072NOK1 050fixed NOK 4.75 %201020251 0601 066
XS0968459361EUR25fixed EUR 2.81 %20132028299289
NO0010819543NOK-3M Nibor + 0.42 %20182024-2 351
NO0010836489NOK1 000fixed NOK 2.75 %20182028940956
NO0010853096NOK2 0003M Nibor + 0.37 %201920252 0103 015
XS2063496546EUR-fixed EUR 0.01 %20192024-2 734
NO0010884950NOK3 0003M Nibor + 0.42 %202020253 0063 006
XS2233150890EUR303M Euribor +0.75 %20202027359345
NO0010951544NOK6 0003M Nibor + 0.75 %202120266 0635 074
XS2389402905EUR250fixed EUR 0.01 %202120262 8262 625
XS2556223233EUR250fixed EUR 3.125 %202220272 9652 823
NO0012908617NOK6 0003M Nibor + 0.54 %202320286 0434 027
XS2907263284EUR500fixed EUR 2,63 %202420295 932-
Total borrowings raised through the issue of securities (incl. accrued interest)  31 50328 311
Cover pool (NOK million)31.12.202431.12.2023
Eligible mortgages (nominal)35 42832 162
Substitute assets1 147854
Total collateralised assets36 57533 016
Covered bonds issued (NOK million)31.12.202431.12.2023
Covered bonds (nominal) 1)30 60327 554
-of which own holding (covered bonds)00
1) Swap exchange rates are applied for outstanding debt in currencies other than NOK
Over-collateralisation (in %) (Nominal calculation)31.12.202431.12.2023
(Eligible mortgages + Substitute assets-Covered bonds) / Covered bonds19.519.8
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)31.12.202431.12.2023
Liquid Assets200147
Net liquidity outflow next 30 days2430
LCR ratio -Total820%493%
LCR ratio - NOK820%493%
LCR ratio - EURN/AN/A
Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)31.12.202431.12.2023
Available amount of stable funding33 61330 030
Required amount of stable funding30 63927 615
NSFR ratio110%109%

Note 7

Transactions with related parties

Møre Boligkreditt AS purchases services from Sparebanken Møre. There are also transactions between the parties related to acquisition of loan portfolios and Sparebanken Møre providing loans and credits to the mortgage company.

Loans from Sparebanken Møre are transferred at market value. If the purchased mortgage loans have fixed interest rates, the purchase price is adjusted according to the value above/below par. Sparebanken Møre is responsible for ensuring that the loans transferred to Møre Boligkreditt AS are properly established and in accordance with the requirements specified in the agreement between the mortgage company and the parent bank. In case of a violation of these requirements, the parent bank will be liable for any losses that the mortgage company would experience as a result of the error. Sparebanken Møre and Møre Boligkreditt AS have formalised the settlement of interest for transaction days from date of transfer of loan portfolio to date of settlement of the consideration.

Mortgages with fixed interest rates constitutes 8 per cent of total mortgage volume and are hedged by interest rate swap agreements with the parent bank. The company can also hedge fixed rate, and/or borrowing in other currency than NOK, against the parent bank, using ISDA/CSA swap agreements. By end of Q4-2024, a covered bond loan volume of EUR 500 million was hedged against the parent bank.

The pricing of the services provided by Sparebanken Møre to Møre Boligkreditt AS distinguishes between fixed and variable expenses for the mortgage company. Fixed expenses are defined as expenses the mortgage company must bear regardless of the activity related to the issuance of covered bonds, the acquisition of portfolio, etc. Variable expenses are defined as expenses related to the size of the portfolio acquired from Sparebanken Møre and the work that must be exercised by the bank's employees to deliver satisfactory services given the number of customers in the portfolio.

Møre Boligkreditt AS is billed for expenses related to the lease of premises at Sparebanken Møre. It is assumed that regardless of operations, a certain area of the bank attributable to the mortgage company is utilised during the year. Regardless of the extent of the activity and the loan portfolio acquired by Møre Boligkreditt AS, charges related to accounting, financial reporting, risk management, cash management, financing, governance and general legal services will incur.

Sparebanken Møre bills the mortgage company based on actual salary expenses, including social security contribution, pension expense and other social expenses. Parts of the mortgage company's expenses related to services provided by Sparebanken Møre relates to the size of the portfolio acquired from Sparebanken Møre. Management fee is calculated and billed monthly, in which the month's average portfolio size forms the basis of billing.

The interest rate of the mortgage company's deposit and credit limit in Sparebanken Møre is based on 3 months NIBOR + a premium. 

The most important transactions are as follows:  
(NOK million)31.12.202431.12.2023
Statement of income:  
Interest and credit commission income from Sparebanken Møre related to deposits5742
Interest and credit commission paid to Sparebanken Møre related to loan/credit facility167176
Interest paid to Sparebanken Møre related to bonded debt166
Management fee paid to Sparebanken Møre5049
Balance sheet:  
Deposits in Sparebanken Møre 1)1 9111 384
Covered bonds held by Sparebanken Møre as assets2810
Loan/credit facility in Sparebanken Møre4 4103 876
Intragroup hedging465306
Accumulated transferred loan portfolio from Sparebanken Møre35 75132 368
1) NOK 789 million of a total of NOK 1,911 million of deposits in Sparebanken Møre is the margin call balance on financial derivatives paid in by counterparties according to CSA as at 31.12.2024

Note 8

Events after the reporting date

No events of material significance for the financial statements for Q4-2024 have occurred after the reporting date. The company is not involved in any legal proceedings.