Alternative performance measures (APMs)
Average assets | Definition | The average sum of total assets for the year, calculated as a daily average. |
Justification | This key figure is used in the calculation of percentage ratios for the performance items. | |
Calculation | Average sum of total assets* | |
LTV (Loan to value) | Definition | A customer's loan amount as a percentage of market value** of the collateral. |
Justification | This key figure provides information about the asset ratio in the lending portfolio and is relevant for evaluating the risk of loss. | |
Calculation | Weighted average LTV is calculated by weighting each LTV by the respective loan amount, and then dividing the sum of the weighted LTVs by the total loan amount. |
*This figure is based on daily calculations in the accounting system, and is not directly reconcilable against the Statement of financial position.
**Market value is obtained from external AVM company (Eiendomsverdi AS).