Note 3
Impairment, losses and non-performance
Boligkreditt AS reviews its loan portfolio continuously. If there is objective
evidence that a loan is impaired, the impairment loss is calculated quarterly
as the difference between the carrying value of the loan and the estimated
present value of future cash flows. Loans and loan commitments are assessed to
see whether or not objective evidence exists that a loss event has occurred at
the reporting date that have a negative impact on future cash flows. Examples
of such objective evidence are significant financial problems at the borrower,
payment defaults, significant breaches of contract, amendments to terms as a
result of the borrower’s financial difficulties, bankruptcy, etc.
objective evidence of impairment exists, the impairment is estimated as the
difference between the carrying amount and the present value of future cash
flows. Estimates of future cash flows also take into account takeovers and
sales of associated collateral, including expenses associated with such takeovers
and sales.
When all
collateral has been realised and there is no doubt that the mortgage company
will not receive further payments relating to the loan, the impairment will be
reversed and the actual loss will be booked. Nonetheless, the claim against the
customer will remain and be followed up, unless a debt forgiveness agreement is
reached with the customer.
for which no objective evidence of impairment is observed on an individual
instrument basis are grouped based on similar credit risk characteristics and assessed
on a collective basis. Collective impairments are recognised for sub-groups of
loans or loan commitments when there is observable data indicating that there
is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows from a group of
loans or loan commitments since the initial recognition, while the decrease
cannot yet be identified with the individual financial assets in the group.
Sparebanken Møre Group has developed its own collective impairment model and
calculations are conducted each month based on input from the risk
classification system, data warehouse, and assessments of macroeconomic
factors. Changes to risk classification, negative developments in collateral values,
and registered macroeconomic events that affect future estimated cash flows are
taken into account in the model. The Group's model for collective impairment is
tailored to Møre Boligkreditt AS' assumptions and operations.
objective evidence of loss events requiring impairment on an individual loan or
loan commitment basis was observed at the reporting date. The collective impairment model on this date indicates no
increase in collective impairments for the mortgage company's portfolio. Total
impairment amounts to NOK 5 million as at 30 June 2017.