Note 1

Accounting principles

Møre Boligkreditt AS’ interim accounts has been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the EU as of 31.03.2018. The interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting (compressed). The accounts are prepared using the same principles, and with the same methodology as the annual accounts for 2017, except for IFRS 9 replacing IAS 39 from 1 January 2018. 

Accounting principles for classification in accordance with IFRS 9 are presented in Note 4. Tables showing the transition effects of the implementation of IFRS 9 are presented in Note 1.13 of the Annual Report for 2017. The methodology for measuring expected credit losses (ECL) in accordance with IFRS 9 is explained in the following. In addition, please refer to the Annual Report  2017 for further description of accounting principles.

All amounts are stated in NOK million unless stated otherwise. 

The interim financial statements are not audited. 

Expected credit losses (ECL) according to IFRS 9
Møre Boligkreditt AS applies a three-stage approach when assessing ECL on loans to customers subject to the IFRS 9 impairment rules:

  • At initial recognition and if there's no significant increase in credit risk, the commitment is classified in stage 1 with 12-months ECL.
  • If a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition is identified, the financial instrument is transferred to stage 2 with lifetime ECL measurement.
  • An increase in credit risk reflects both customer-specific circumstances and developments in relevant macro risk drivers for the segment where the customer belongs. The assessment of what is considered to be a significant increase in credit risk is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators and backstops.
  • If credit risk deteriorates further and the commitment is either defaulted, subject to forbearance or credit-impaired, the commitment is moved to stage 3. Credit-impaired commitments are subject to an individual assessment of losses. Commitments with forbearance or which are defaulted, are subject to a lifetime ECL measurement. As opposed to stage 1 and 2, the effective interest rate is calculated on amortised cost (gross carrying amount less loss allowance) instead of gross carrying amount.

    The loan loss measurement is based on the following principles:
  • The loss provision for commitments which are not credit-impaired is calculated as the present value of exposure at default (EAD) multiplied by the probability of default (PD) multiplied by loss given default (LGD). PD, LGD and EAD use the IRB framework as a starting point, but are converted into being point-in-time and forward-looking as opposed to through the cycle and conservative.
  • Past, present and forward-looking information is used to estimate ECL. For this purpose, the loan portfolio is divided into 7 segments based on field of operation. All customers within a segment are exposed to the same risk drivers.
  • For credit-impaired financial instruments in stage 3, individual assessments are performed.

The model used for calculating ECL follows four steps: Segmentation, determination of macro adjustments, staging and calculation of ECL.

Segmentation and macro adjustments
The assessment of significant increase in credit risk and the calculation of ECL incorporates past, present and forward-looking information.  Segmentation of the portfolio is based on the customers’ fields of operation, and each segment is subject to separate macro adjustments.

Theory of cyclical cycles has been used to model macro factors to estimate lifetime ECL in the model. A trend curve is prerequisite to show long-term GDP growth. Based on an assessment by the Chief Economist and the corporate unit managers in SBM, key indicators have been selected for the retail market and the various corporate sectors. Indicators issued by Statistics Norway (SSB) have been used to a large extent. Volatility in the indicators is taken into account when calculating the macro-factors. Standard deviations are calculated for each indicator, which entails that high/low volatility indicators will cause a higher/lower impact on the macro factor.

Calculation of expected credit loss
The determination of a significant increase in credit risk and the measurement of ECL are based on parameters already used in credit risk management and for capital adequacy calculations: PD, LGD and EAD. The parameters have been adjusted in order to give an unbiased estimate of ECL.

Probability of default (PD)
Møre Boligkreditt AS applies several different models to determine a customer’s PD. The choice of model depends on whether it is a retail or corporate customer. PD models are key components both in calculating the ECL and in assessing whether a significant increase in credit risk has occurred since initial recognition. These models fulfil the IFRS 9 requirement to provide an unbiased probability-weighted estimate of ECL. Møre Boligkreditt AS has as part of the Sparebanken Møre Group been granted permission to use internal ratings based approach (IRB) models for determining PD in capital adequacy calculations. In order to apply these PDs for IFRS 9, modifications have been made to allow that the PDs used for IFRS 9 reflect management’s current view of expected cyclical changes and that all PD estimates are unbiased.

Loss given default (LGD)
LGD represents the percentage of EAD which the Group expects to lose if the customer fails to meet his obligations, taking the collateral provided by the customer, future cash flows and other relevant factors into consideration.

Similar to PDs, Møre Boligkreditt AS uses IRB LGDs for capital adequacy calculations. In order to convert the IRB LGDs to IFRS LGDs, modifications have been made to remove the margin of conservatism to produce unbiased projections rather than downturn projections, and to exclude regulatory floors.

These modifications imply that the LGDs used for IFRS 9 should reflect management’s current view and that all LGD estimates are unbiased.

Exposure at default (EAD)
EAD is the share of the approved credit that is expected to be drawn at the time of any future default. The EAD is adjusted to reflect contractual payments of principal and interest. The proportion of undrawn commitments expected to have been drawn at the time of default is reflected in the credit conversion factor.

Significant increase in credit risk
The assessment of a significant increase in credit risk is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators and backstops. A significant increase in credit risk has occurred when one or more of the criteria below are met.

Quantitative criteria
A significant increase in credit risk is determined by comparing the PD at the reporting date with the PD at initial recognition. If the actual PD is higher than initial PD, an assessment is made of whether the increase is significant.

Significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition is considered to have occurred when either

  • PD has increased by 100 % or more and the increase in PD is more than 0.5 percentage points, or
  • PD has increased by more than 2.0 percentage points. 

Qualitative criteria
Qualitative information is normally reflected in the respective PD models for each group of customers.

Backstops are used and a significant increase in credit risk has occurred if:

  • the customer’s contractual payments are 30 days past due
  • the customer has been granted forbearance measures due to financial distress, though it is not severe enough for the financial instrument to be classified as credit-impaired.


Definition of default, forbearance and credit-impaired in stage 3
A commitment is defined to be in default if a claim is more than 90 days overdue and the overdue amount exceeds NOK 1 000.   

A commitment is defined to be subject to forbearance if the bank agrees to changes in the terms and conditions because the debtor is having problems meeting payment obligations, and this is assumed to significantly reduce the value of the cash flow. 

A commitment is defined to be credit-impaired if the commitment, as a result of a weakening of the debtor's creditworthiness, has been subject to an individual assessment, resulting in an individual impairment. The principles and estimation techniques for credit-impaired financial instruments are not affected by IFRS 9. Please refer to the description of individual impairment in note 7 in the Annual Report 2017 for more details.

Expert credit judgement
The new rules require that significant professional judgement is applied to many of the input parameters in the ECL-measurement. The assessment of the macro prognoses and the impact are key judgements which are addressed in a separate advisory forum. The forum’s purpose is to assess if the predicted macro prognoses for each segment reflect the management’s view on the expected future economic development.

The ECL model is subject to annual validation and review.



Note 2

Operating segments

Møre Boligkreditt AS has only one segment in its business and the customers derive mainly from the retail banking market. The following tables contain details of loans to customers by sector.    

Broken down according to sectors31.03.201831.03.201731.12.2017
Commercial sector506392380
Retail customers22 75918 12820 759
Accrued interest income01925
Loans, nominal amount23 26518 53921 164
Expected credit loss (ECL) - Stage 1-2  
Expected credit loss (ECL) - Stage 2-11  
Expected credit loss (ECL) - Stage 3-7  
Collective impairment -5-2
Loans to and receivables from customers23 24518 53421 162
(MNOK)Net interest income
Interest income from:   
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions102
Loans to and receivables from customers136127525
Certificates, bonds and other interest-bearing securities023
Interest income137129530
Interest expenses in respect of:   
Loans from credit institutions4317
Debt securities issued6169252
Interest expenses6572269
Net interest income7257261

Note 3

Impairment, Losses and Non-Performance

Specification of credit loss expense   
(Amounts in NOK thousand)31.03.201831.03.201731.12.2017
Changes in collective impairment during the period (IAS 39)-0-3 000
Changes in Expected Credit Loss (ECL) during the period stage 1-30--
Changes in Expected Credit Loss (ECL) during the period stage 2-1 340--
Changes in Expected Credit Loss (ECL) during the period stage 3-942--
Total impairment on loans in the period-2 3120-3 000
Commitments (exposure) divided into risk groups based on probability of default
(MNOK)Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total 31.03.2018
Low risk (0 % - < 0,5 %)22 6543282523 511
Medium risk (0,5 % - < 3 %)300463135898
High risk (3 % - <100 %)55937101
Commitments in default--00
Total loans before ECL22 95955499724 510
- ECL-2-11-7-20
Loans and receivables from customers 31.03.2018 *)22 95754399024 490
*) The table shows exposures at reporting date and can therefore not be reconciled against carrying amount.
Changes in ECL in the period    
(Amounts in NOK thousand)Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Total
31.12.2017 according to IAS 39   2 000
Effect of transition to IFRS 9   20 258
ECL 1.1.2018 according to IFRS 91 56812 6658 02422 258
New loans29241265
Disposal of loans-56-806-643-1 505
Changes in ECL in the period for loans which have not migrated-30-536-419-985
Migration to stage 165-922-392-1 249
Migration to stage 2-241 301-971 179
Migration to stage 3-14-400597183
ECL 31.03.20181 53811 3257 08219 946

Note 4

Financial instruments

The company’s portfolio of financial instruments is at initial recognition classified in accordance with IFRS 9. Financial assets are classified in one of the following categories:

 •  Fair value with any changes in value through the income statement

• Amortised cost 

The classification of the financial assets depends on two factors:

• The purpose of the acquisition of the financial instrument

• The contractual cash flows from the financial assets

Financial assets assessed at amortised cost
The classification of the financial assets assumes that the following requirements are met: 

• The asset is acquired to receive contractual cash flows

• The contractual cash flows consist solely of principal and interest

All lending and receivables are recorded in the accounts at amortised cost, based on expected cash flows. The difference between the issue cost and the settlement amount at maturity, is amortised over the lifetime of the loan.

Financial liabilities assessed at amortised cost
Debt securities, including debt securities included in fair value hedging and loans and deposits from credit institutions, are assessed at amortised cost based on expected cash flows.

Financial instruments assessed at fair value, any changes in value recognised through the income statement
The company's portfolio of bonds in the liquidity portfolio is classified at fair value with any value changes through the income statement, as this portfolio is managed based on fair value.

Financial derivatives are instruments used to mitigate any interest- or currency risk incurred in the company. Financial derivatives are recorded at fair value, with any changes in value through the income statement, and recognised gross per contract, as either asset or debt.

Losses and gains as a result of value changes on assets and liabilities assessed at fair value with any value changes being recognised in the income statement, are included in the accounts during the period in which they occur.

Financial instruments are classified into different levels based on the quality of market data for each type of instrument.

Level 1 – Valuation based on prices in an active market
Level 1 comprises financial instruments valued by using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. This category includes bonds and certificates in LCR-level 1, traded in active markets.

Level 2 – Valuation based on observable market data
Level 2 comprises financial instruments valued by using information which is not quoted prices, but where prices are directly or indirectly observable for assets or liabilities, including quoted prices in inactive markets for identical assets or liabilities. This category mainly includes debt securities issued, derivatives and bonds which are not included in level 1.

Level 3 – Valuation based on other than observable market data
Level 3 comprises financial instruments which can not be valued based on directly or indirectly observable prices. This category mainly includes loans to customer. 

CLASSIFICATION OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSFinancial instruments at fair value through profit or lossFinancial instruments carried at amortised cost
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions  402309
Loans to and receivables from customers  23 24518 534
Certificates and bonds60343  
Financial derivatives352386  
Total assets41272923 64718 843
Loans from credit institutions  1 1361 084
Debt securities issued  21 21716 906
Financial derivatives2812  
Total liabilities281222 35317 990
 Fair valueBook valueFair valueBook value
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions402402309309
Loans to and receivables from customers23 24523 24518 53418 534
Total assets23 64723 64718 84318 843
Loans from credit institutions1 1361 1361 0841 084
Debt securities issued21 30921 21716 94616 906
Total liabilities22 44522 35318 03017 990
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT AMORTISED COST - 31.03.2018Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions-402-402
Loans to and receivables from customers--23 24523 245
Total assets-40223 24523 647
Loans from credit institutions-1 136-1 136
Debt securities issued-21 309-21 309
Total liabilities-22 445-22 445
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT AMORTISED COST - 31.03.2017Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions-309-309
Loans to and receivables from customers--18 53418 534
Total assets-30918 53418 843
Loans from credit institutions-1 084-1 084
Debt securities issued-16 946-16 946
Total liabilities-18 030-18 030
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT FAIR VALUE - 31.03.2018Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Certificates and bonds60--60
Financial derivatives-352-352
Total assets60352-412
Financial derivatives-28-28
Total liabilities-28-28
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT FAIR VALUE - 31.03.2017Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Certificates and bonds25192-343
Financial derivatives-386-386
Total assets251478-729
Financial derivatives-12-12
Total liabilities-12-12

Note 5

Issued covered bonds

Securities issued at floating interest rates are measured at amortised cost. Securities issued at fixed interest rates are measured at amortised cost as well, and fair value hedge accounting with changes in fair value (due to the hedged risk) recognised in profit and loss is used for the company's securities issued at fixed rate terms.

ISIN codeCurrencyNominal value 31.03.2018InterestIssueMaturity31.03.201831.03.201731.12.2017
NO0010575079NOK-3M Nibor + 0.55 %20102017-131-
NO0010588072NOK1 050fixed NOK 4.75 %201020251 2031 2491 235
NO0010657232NOK2 5003M Nibor + 0.65 %201220182 5022 5072 503
XS0828616457SEK-3M Stibor + 0.70 %20122017-673-
NO0010676018NOK2 5003M Nibor + 0.47 %201320192 5022 5022 502
XS0968459361EUR25fixed EUR 2.81 %20132028287281295
XS0984191873EUR306M Euribor + 0.20 %20132020288275295
NO0010696990NOK2 5003M Nibor + 0.45 %201320202 4982 4962 497
NO0010699028NOK-3M Nibor + 0.37 %20132017-750-
NO0010720204NOK3 0003M Nibor + 0.24 %201420202 9982 4982 998
NO0010730187NOK1 000fixed NOK 1.50 %20152022980991993
NO0010777584NOK3 0003M Nibor + 0.58 %201620213 0032 4993 003
XS1626109968EUR250fixed EUR 0.125 %201720222 401-2 450
NO0010819543NOK2 5003M Nibor + 0.42 %201820242 499--
Total securities issued  21 16116 85218 771
Accrued interest  565452
Total borrowings raised through the issue of securities  21 21716 90618 823
COVER POOL (MNOK)31.03.201831.03.201731.12.2017
Pool of eligible loans 1)22 85318 28620 814
Supplementary assets40260285
Financial derivatives to hedge issued securities (liabilities)-28-12-4
Financial derivatives to hedge issued securities (assets)352386439
Total collateralised assets23 57919 26221 334
Collateralisation in %111.1113.9113.3
1) NOK 392 million of total gross loans are not eligible for the cover pool as at 31.03.2018. (NOK 253 million as at 31.03.2017).

Note 6

Transactions with related parties

In order to conduct normal business, Møre Boligkreditt AS purchases services from Sparebanken Møre. There will also be transactions between the parties related to the acquisition of loan portfolio, and the fact that Sparebanken Møre provides loans and credits to the mortgage company.

Loans from Sparebanken Møre are transferred at market value. If the purchased mortgage loans have fixed interest rates the price is adjusted for the value above / below par. Sparebanken Møre is responsible for ensuring that the loans to be transferred to Møre Boligkreditt AS are properly established and in accordance with the requirements specified in the agreement between the mortgage company and the Parent Bank. In case of a violation of these requirements, the Parent Bank will be liable for any losses that the mortgage company would experience as a result of the error. Sparebanken Møre and Møre Boligkreditt AS have formalised the settlement of interest for transaction days from date of transfer of loan portfolio to date of settlement of the consideration.

If Møre Boligkreditt AS should have difficulty in obtaining financing, there is established a revolving guarantee from Sparebanken Møre where the purpose is to ensure timely payments to owners of bonds and derivative counterparties.

The pricing of the services provided to Møre Boligkreditt AS by Sparebanken Møre distinguishes between fixed and variable costs for the mortgage company. Fixed costs are defined as costs the mortgage company must bear regardless of the activity related to the issuance of covered bonds, the acquisition of portfolio, etc. Variable costs are defined as costs related to the size of the portfolio acquired from Sparebanken Møre and the work that must be exercised by the Bank's employees to deliver satisfactory services given the number of customers in the portfolio. 

Møre Boligkreditt AS is billed for costs related to the lease of premises at Sparebanken Møre. It is assumed that regardless of operations, a certain area of the bank attributable to the mortgage company is utilised during the year. Regardless of the extent of the activity and the loan portfolio acquired by Møre Boligkreditt AS, charges related to accounting, financial reporting, risk management, cash management, financing, governance and general legal services will incur.

Sparebanken Møre bills the mortgage company based on actual salary costs, including social security contribution, pension costs and other social costs. Parts of the mortgage company's expenses related to services provided by Sparebanken Møre relates to the size of the portfolio acquired from Sparebanken Møre. Management fee is calculated and billed monthly, in which the month's average portfolio size form the basis of billing.

The interest rate of the mortgage company's deposit and credit limit in Sparebanken Møre is based on 3 months NIBOR + a premium.  

The most important transactions are as follows:  
Statement of income:   
Interest and credit commission income from Sparebanken Møre related to deposits112
Interest and credit commission income paid to Sparebanken Møre related to loan/credit facility4317
Interest paid to Sparebanken Møre related to bonded debt2811
Management fee paid to Sparebanken Møre8730
Statement of financial position:   
Deposits in Sparebanken Møre40230985
Covered bonds held by Sparebanken Møre as assets1 320752425
Loan/credit facility in Sparebanken Møre1 1361 0841 202
Accumulated transferred loan portfolio from Sparebanken Møre23 26518 53921 164

Note 7

Equity and related capital

Tier 1 capital and supplementary capital31.03.201831.03.201731.12.2017
Share capital and share premium1 6001 5001 500
Retained earnings03167
Total equity1 6001 5031 667
Expected losses exceeding ECL, IRB portfolios-26-36-40
Common Equity Tier 1 capital1 5741 4671 476
Supplementary capital000
Net equity and subordinated loan capital1 5741 4671 476
Risk-weighted assets (calculation basis for capital adequacy ratio)
Credit risk loans and receivables (Standardised Approach)188262217
Credit risk loans and receivables (Internal Ratings Based Approach)4 3813 6523 898
Operational Risk (Basic indicator Approach)486505505
Total risk exposure amount for credit valuation adjustment (CVA) (SA)251290320
Risk-weighted assets less transitional rules5 3064 7094 941
Additional RWA from transitional rules 1)4 4633 4643 995
Total risk-weighted assets9 7698 1738 936
Minimum requirement Common Equity Tier 1 capital (4.5%)440368402
1) Transitional rules require that RWA can not be less than 80 per cent of the corresponding Basel I requirement.
Buffer Requirement   
Countercyclical buffer (2.0%)195123134
Capital conservation buffer (2.5%)244204223
Systemic risk buffer (3.0%)293245268
Total buffer requirements733572626
Available Common Equity Tier 1 capital after buffer requirements402527448
Capital adequacy as a percentage of the weighted asset calculation basis
Capital adequacy ratio16.1 %17.9 %16.5 %
Tier 1 capital ratio16.1 %17.9 %16.5 %
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio16.1 %17.9 %16.5 %
Leverage ratio
Leverage ratio - Total6.4 %7.3 %6.6 %
Liquidity Coverage Ratio
Liquidity Coverage Ratio - Total285%204%295%
Liquidity Coverage Ratio - NOK286%204%295%
Liquidity Coverage Ratio - EUR107%--
Møre Boligkreditt AS' capital requirements at 31 March 2018 are based on IRB-Foundation for commercial commitments and IRB-Retail for retail commitments.