Statement of cash flow
(NOK million) | Note | 2019 | 2018 |
Cash flow from operating activities | |||
Interest, commission and fees received | 758 | 600 | |
Interest, commission and fees paid | -9 | -14 | |
Operating expenses paid | -45 | -42 | |
Income taxes paid | -22 | -56 | |
Payment for acquiring loans from the Parent Bank | -9 088 | -7 943 | |
Payment related to instalment loans and credit lines to customers | 6 854 | 5 683 | |
Net cash flow from operating activities | 4 12 | -1 552 | -1 772 |
Cash flow from investing activities | |||
Received interest, commission and fees related to certificates, bonds and other securities | 7 | 4 | |
Proceeds from the sale and settlement of certificates, bonds and other securities | 1 746 | 2 622 | |
Purchases of certificates, bonds and other securities | -1 911 | -3 073 | |
Changes in other assets | -3 | -20 | |
Net cash flow from investing activities | 4 8 10 | -161 | -467 |
Cash flow from financing activities | |||
Paid interest, commission and fees related to issued bonds | -435 | -317 | |
Net change in loans from credit institutions | 965 | 128 | |
Proceeds from covered bond issuance | 10 | 5 536 | 5 862 |
Redemption of issued covered bonds | 10 | -4 784 | -2 500 |
Dividend paid | -167 | -152 | |
Changes in other debt | -27 | 34 | |
Issue of share capital and premium | 450 | 100 | |
Net cash flow from financing activities | 10 15 | 1 538 | 3 155 |
Net change in cash and cash equivalents | -175 | 917 | |
Cash balance at 01.01 | 1 002 | 85 | |
Cash balance at 31.12 | 6 | 827 | 1 002 |
The cash flow analysis is prepared on the basis of the direct method with cash flows attributable to operational, investment and financing activities. Cash flows from operational activities are net receipts and payments from lending activities, and payments generated from costs associated with operational activities. Cash flows from investing activities are purchases or sales of bonds and other securities. Cash flows from other securities transactions, issuing and repaying securities issued, and equity are defined as financing activities.
Financial position line items have been adjusted for the impact of foreign exchange rate changes.
Cash and cash equivalents are defined as loans to and receivables from credit institutions with no agreed period of notice. Loans and receivables from credit institutions are mainly related to Sparebanken Møre.