Note 8

Financial instruments

All lending and receivables are recorded at amortised cost. Amortised cost is also used for fixed and floating rate securities issued.

The company's debt securities issued with fixed interest rates are accounted for using fair value hedging. Losses and gains, resulting from changes in value due to changes in market interest, of debt securities with fixed interest are recognised in the income statement in the period they arise.

For floating rate loans to customers, the interest rates and margins are changed when the market rates change. The customers have to be notified of all changes in advance of the changes being put into effect, so there is a short period of time where the terms of the loans diverge from market rates. However this delay in timing is considered to have an immaterial effect to the total value of the loans hence the carrying value of these loans are considered to be a relevant measure for fair value.

There are no major differences between the book value and the fair value of loans to credit institutions and customers, and liabilities to credit institutions agreed at variable rates and recognised at amortised cost. Fair value of debt securities is calculated allowing for change in the market interest rates and change in the credit margin.

Financial derivatives related to the company`s debt securities issued are carried at fair value through profit or loss, and recognised gross per contract, as either asset or debt.

CLASSIFICATION OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSFinancial instruments at fair value through profit or lossFinancial assets and liabilities carried at amortised cost
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions--271285
Loans to and receivables from customers--19 81016 907
Certificates and bonds522403--
Financial derivatives368485--
Total assets89088820 08117 192
Loans from credit institutions--1 141970
Debt securities issued--18 26515 711
Financial derivatives46--
Total liabilities4619 40616 681
 Fair valueBook valueFair valueBook value
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions271271285285
Loans to and receivables from customers19 81019 81016 90716 907
Total assets20 08120 08117 19217 192
Loans from credit institutions1 1411 141970970
Debt securities issued18 25718 26515 59515 711
Total liabilities19 39819 40616 56516 681
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT AMORTISED COST - 31.12.2016Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions-271-271
Loans to and receivables from customers--19 81019 810
Total assets-27119 81020 081
Loans from credit institutions-1 141-1 141
Debt securities issued-18 257-18 257
Total liabilities-19 398-19 398
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT AMORTISED COST - 31.12.2015Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions-285-285
Loans to and receivables from customers--16 90716 907
Total assets-28516 90717 192
Loans from credit institutions-970-970
Debt securities issued-15 595-15 595
Total liabilities-16 565-16 565
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT FAIR VALUE - 31.12.2016Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Certificates and bonds-522-522
Financial derivatives-368-368
Total assets-890-890
Financial derivatives-4-4
Total liabilities-4-4
FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AT FAIR VALUE - 31.12.2015Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Certificates and bonds-403-403
Financial derivatives-485-485
Total assets-888-888
Financial derivatives-6-6
Total liabilities-6-6
20172 8782 878
20182 5002 500
20192 5002 000
20205 2444 744
20212 500-
20221 0001 000
20251 0501 050
Total17 87315 201