Note 6

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that Møre Boligkreditt AS will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities that are settled by delivering cash or other financial assets.

The Board of Møre Boligkreditt AS annually sets limits for management of liquidity risk in the company.

Pursuant to the Financial Institutions Act, a mortgage company which issues covered bonds must ensure that the cash flow from the cover pool enables the company to meet its payment obligations to holders of covered bonds and counterparties to derivative agreements at all times.

The loans acquired by Møre Boligkreditt AS are primarily financed through the issuing of covered bonds. The company's plan is to ensure that this type of funding shall over time account for a minimum of 80 per cent of the entity's financing of acquired loans.

Loans that are acquired and not included in a portfolio financed by covered bonds, and loans that serve as over-collateralisation, are financed through a facility the company holds in the parent bank, Sparebanken Møre, or equity. The long-term overdraft facility in Sparebanken Møre has a total limit of NOK 2.25 billion. Undrawn facility amounts to NOK 1.11 billion as of 31.12.

Receivables from credit institutions and investments in covered bonds, not used for LCR purposes, are used as part of the cover pool.

The requirement for liquidity coverage ratio for Norwegian covered bond companies was implemented 30.06.16 with 70 %. As of 31.12.16 the requirement is 80 %. Møre Boligkreditt AS reports 119 % as at 31.12.16.

Remaining maturity as per 31.12.16Up to 1 month1-3 months3-12 months1-5 yearsAbove 5 yearsTotal
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions2710000271
Loans to and receivables from customers971937314 48220 50526 008
Certificates and bonds31151453100537
Total assets3993447764 79220 50526 816
Loans from credit institutions1 14100001 141
Debt securities issued10653 13713 5052 53519 252
Total liabilities1 151653 13713 5052 53520 393
Financial derivatives      
Cash flow in01557285259616
Cash flow out11236161101311
Total financial derivatives-1321124158305
Cash flows from nominal interest payments are included for "Loans to and receivables from customers", for "Certificates and bonds" and for "Debt securities issued".
Remaining maturity as per 31.12.15Up to 1 month1-3 months3-12 months1-5 yearsAbove 5 yearsTotal
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions2850000285
Loans to and receivables from customers831687563 85817 50222 367
Certificates and bonds11539330430
Total assets3691697614 25117 53223 082
Loans and from credit institutions9700000970
Debt securities issued12531 02812 9802 62316 696
Total liabilities982531 02812 9802 62317 666
Financial derivatives      
Cash flow in01559291333698
Cash flow out11239176141369
Total financial derivatives-1320115192329
Cash flows from nominal interest payments are included for "Loans to and receivables from customers", for "Certificates and bonds" and for "Debt securities issued".