Note 14

Equity and related capital

Møre Boligkreditt AS follows the EU’s new capital adequacy regulations, CRR and CRD IV. The regulations are based on the Basel Committee’s recommendations on new and stricter capital and liquidity standards, Basel III. The Sparebanken Møre Group has been granted permission to use the Internal Ratings Based (“IRB”) approach for credit risk to calculate the total risk-weighted assets.

However, as long as Norwegian transitional rules relating to full implementation of the IRB approach remain in force, the total risk-weighted assets cannot be reduced below 80 per cent of the Basel I requirements.

The legislation requires a minimum common equity Tier-1 of 11.5 per cent, including a conservation-buffer of 2.5 per cent, a systemic-risk buffer of 3.0 per cent and a counter-cyclical buffer of 1.5 per cent. Minimum capital adequacy ratio is 15 per cent. The current defined long-term target for Møre Boligkreditt AS is to meet minimum capital requirements. Møre Boligkreditt AS has as of 31.12.2016 capital adequacy/core capital ratio of 15.1 per cent.

Core capital and supplementary capital31.12.201631.12.2015
Share capital and share premium1 3501 150
Retained earnings159179
Total equity1 5091 329
Expected losses exceeding actual losses, IRB portfolios-39-32
Common Equity Tier 1 capital1 3131 121
Supplementary capital00
Net equity and subordinated loan capital1 3131 121
Risk-weighted assets (calculation basis for capital adequacy ratio) 
Credit risk loans and receivables (Standardised Approach)250301
Credit risk loans and receivables (Internal ratings based Approach)4 0833 345
Operational Risk (Basic indicator Approach)501411
Total risk exposure amount for credit valuation adjustment (CVA) (SA)300444
Risk-weighted assets less transitional rules5 1344 500
Additional RWA from transitional rules 1)3 5873 108
Total risk-weighted assets8 7227 608
Minimum requirement common equity Tier 1 capital (4,5%)392342
1) Transitional rules require that RWA can not be less than 80 per cent of the corresponding Basel I requirement
Buffer Requirement  
Countercyclical buffer (1.0%)8776
Capital conservation buffer (2.5%)218190
Systemic risk buffer (3.0%)262228
Total buffer requirements567495
Available common equity Tier 1 capital after buffer requirements354285
Capital adequacy as a percentage of the weighted asset calculation basis 
Capital adequacy ratio15,1 %14,7 %
Core capital ratio15,1 %14,7 %
Core tier 1 capital ratio15,1 %14,7 %
Leverage ratio 
Leverage ratio6,1 %5,8 %
Liquidity Coverage Ratio 
Liquidity Coverage Ratio119%0%
Møre Boligkreditt AS' capital requirements at 31st December 2016 are based on IRB-Foundation.