Note 12

Wages, compensations and fees
Amounts in NOK thousand 20162015
Total wages and other cash payments2 2462 231
- hereof salary to the Managing Director 923895
- hereof other renumeration to the Managing Director 5474
- hereof refunded premium regarding the pension plan for the Managing Director6395
- hereof renumeration to the Board of Directors 1) 100101
The Board of DirectorsKjetil Hauge, Chairman00
 Sandra Myhre Helseth00
 Trond Lars Nydal00
 Geir Tore Hjelle5043
 Britt Iren Tøsse Aandal5043
Total fees paid to external auditor (all fees are stated including VAT of 25 %)775736
- hereof statutory audit services 269250
- hereof tax-related services 3534
- hereof other attestation services 410373
- hereof other non-audit services 6179
1) In 2015, renumeration to the Control Comittee is included.   

Møre Boligkreditt AS has no employees at the end of 2016. Møre Boligkreditt AS remunerated Sparebanken Møre for the use of two man-years, but only the Managing Director of Møre Boligkreditt AS is dedicated full time to the company. A number of services are also outsourced for performance by Sparebanken Møre, and these are regulated by a specific agreement between the mortgage company and the bank. The above-mentioned pay and other cash benefits, as well as employer's national insurance contributions, are cost refunds to Sparebanken Møre. The employees are members of Sparebanken Møre's pension scheme. The scheme satisfies the current requirements for mandatory occupational pensions. The company had as per 31 December 2016 no obligation to pay the Managing Director, chairman of the Board of Directors or other employees special remuneration upon them leaving the company or in the event of a change in their employment relationship or duties. Nor do any obligations concerning bonuses, options, or similar exist for any of the aforementioned people.

Loans and guarantees    
Amounts in NOK thousand20162015
Board of Directors    
Kjetil Hauge, Chairman3 33003 5340
Sandra Myhre Helseth2 83502 4290
Trond Lars Nydal92509710
Geir Tore Hjelle0000
Britt Iren Tøsse Aandal0000
Managing Director    
Ole Kjerstad3 761 3 926 
Ordinary customer terms and conditions have been applied to loans provided for members of the Board of Directors.
Loans to the Managing Director and the Board members of Møre Boligkreditt AS, who also are employees in Sparebanken Møre, are given according to staff conditions.