Financial results

Good financial performance is a prerequisite for the bank’s existence and is crucial when it comes to us being able to facilitate value creation in our area. The topic is, therefore, very important for both the bank and our stakeholders. 

We have owners who expect a return on their investments, and we have lenders who lend us money based on the bank’s profitability and financial strength. We also have customers who want competitive terms, at the same time as our employees are interested in having a good, reliable employer. Good financial performance is also important when it comes to us being able to support our local communities through the bank’s social engagement.

The financial targets for the strategy period 2020-2024 are a return on equity of more than 11 per cent and a cost income ratio of less than 40 per cent. The goal is also to achieve a lower level of losses than the average for Norwegian banks.  

There is detailed information about the topic ‘Financial results’ in the bank’s annual report, see the references in the GRI index.