Organisation and Management
Sparebanken Møre's operations are concentrated in Møre og Romsdal where the Bank has branches in 16 municipalities in Sunnmøre, six in Romsdal and two in Nordmøre. As at 31 December 2017, the Group had 376 permanent staff representing 359 full-time equivalents.
The main duties of the General Meeting are to approve the financial statements and to elect a board of eight members. The General Meeting has 40 members and 14 deputy members. It is composed of four groups with the following distribution:
- 13 members and four deputy members are elected by and from the Bank's customers
- 13 members and four deputy members are elected by and from the equity certificate holders
- 10 members and four deputy members are elected by and from the employees
- Four members and two deputy members are elected by the General Meeting to represent the local community
The Sparebanken Møre Group consists of the Parent Bank and three wholly owned subsidiaries. Møre Boligkreditt AS's purpose is to finance lending secured by mortgages in residential and commercial properties. Møre Eiendomsmegling AS offers services within real estate brokerage for both residential and commercial properties. Sparebankeiendom AS is a property company that owns and manages the Bank's own commercial properties.

Sparebanken Møre's head office is in Ålesund. The Bank's activities in the retail market are organised in the Retail Banking Division. Every retail market department is headed by a bank manager who reports to the EVP of the division, who in turn reports directly to the CEO. A total of 28 branches perform the Bank's customer-oriented activities. The EVP of the Retail Banking Division is responsible for developing and maintaining the Bank's retail customer concept.
Corporate activities in Sparebanken Møre are organised in the Corporate Banking Division, which includes Corporate Banking Sunnmøre, Corporate Banking Romsdal and Nordmøre and Corporate Banking Søre Sunnmøre. Corporate Banking Sunnmøre is in turn organised into six branch departments. The heads of these departments report to the EVP of the division, who in turn reports to the CEO. The EVP of the Corporate Banking Division is responsible for developing and maintaining the Bank's corporate banking concept.
The organisation also consists of seven units, each of which is headed by an EVP. The EVPs report directly to the CEO. The executive management group forms the cornerstone of Sparebanken Møre's management structure in order to ensure efficient communication and decision-making processes.