Statement of cash flow

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
20152016Amounts in NOK millionNote20162015
  Cash flow from operating activities   
2 1091 880Interest, commission and fees received20 1 4201 594
-524-344Interest, commission and fees paid20 -351-529
22Dividend and group contribution received20 178193
-532-465Operating expenses paid21 22 23 24 -448-519
-202-214Income taxes paid28 -149-131
-44556Changes relating to loans to and claims on other financial institutions 385-99
-2 922-1 845Changes relating to repayment of loans/leasing to customers 885-1 594
485420Changes in utilised credit facilities 615526
1 0003 173Net change in deposits from customers 3 1651 003
-6283 163Net cash flow from operating activities 5 700444
  Cash flow from investing activities   
104110Interest received on certificates, bonds and other securities 112102
1 4833 860Proceeds from the sale of certificates, bonds and other securities 4 2702 300
-1 512-5 380Purchases of certificates, bonds and other securities -7 865-2 107
417Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets etc.25 81
-43-20Purchase of fixed assets etc.25 -19-37
-28392Changes in other assets26 27 -216-294
-247-1 321Net cash flow from investing activities -3 710-35
  Cash flow from financing activities   
-455-404Interest paid on issued bonds -170-199
511-400Net change in deposits from Norges Bank and other financial institutions -414692
7 0561 527Proceeds from bonds issued12 14 7493 751
-5 107-2 947Maturity of debt securities12 14 -2 644-3 448
-133-114Dividend paid31 -114-133
-21-258Changes in other debt19 24 -151-96
1 851-2 596Net cash flow from financing activities -2 744567
976-754Net change in cash and cash equivalents -754976
781 054Cash balance at 01.01 1 05478
1 054300Cash balance at 31.12 3001 054
The cash flow statement shows cash payments received and made and cash equivalents throughout the year. The statement is prepared according to the direct method.The cash flows are classified as operating activities, investing activities or financing activities. The balance sheet items have been adjusted for the impact of foreign exchange rate changes. Cash is defined as cash-in-hand and claims on Norges Bank.