Key figures group

Income statement          
Net interest income1 0981.891 0932.011 0422.009361.939091.96
Net commission and other operating income1930.331800.331740.341800.371710.37
Net return from financial investments120.021350.25280.051100.23430.09
Total income1 3032.241 4082.591 2442.391 2262.531 1232.42
Total operating costs5610.965641.045691.096051.245591.19
Pension plan changes      -166-0.34  
Profit before impairment on loans7421.288441.556751.307871.635641.23
Impairment on loans, guarantees etc.500.09220.04540.10470.10400.09
Pre tax profit6921.198221.516211.207401.535241.14
Profit after tax5030.876231.154500.875301.103790.83
Statement of financial position     
NOK million20152014201320122011
Total assets60 12056 30554 62751 63248 468
Average assets58 11354 45552 10448 53046 375
Loans to and receivables from customers51 28648 88446 24143 43440 305
Loans to retail customers34 82232 24530 45427 65025 295
Loans to corporate and public entities16 70616 81715 97416 09015 406
Deposits from customers29 38928 38928 06827 08125 325
Deposits from retail customers17 81517 02415 99915 22114 307
Deposits from corporate and public entities11 56611 35812 05711 86011 018
Lending growth as a percentage4.
Deposit growth as a percentage3.
Key figures     
Return on equity10.714.011.616.312.2
Costs as a percentage of income43.040.145.735.449.5
Losses as a percentage of loans
Problem loans as a percentage of loans (prior to impairment)0.470.801.161.341.95
Problem loans as a percentage of loans (after impairment)0.320.510.800.961.30
Deposits to lending ratio57.358.160.862.362.8
Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)123.0127.0   
Capital adequacy ratio18.115.817.014.613.6
Core capital as a percentage 1)16.614.415.513.712.0
Core tier 1 capital as a percentage 1)
Leverage Ratio (LR)8.07.9   
Equity Certificates:     
Profit per EC (Group) (NOK)25.2531.2021.6531.0522.10
Profit per EC (Parent Bank) (NOK)25.7029.1018.4527.7523.27
Dividend per EC (NOK)11.5013.508.0012.008.00
EC fraction 1.1 as a percentage (Parent Bank)49.649.647.746.046.0
Price at Oslo Stock Exchange (NOK)188216198160178
Price/Book value (P/B) (Group)0.740.890.890.730.94
1) Sparebanken Møre's capital requirements have been based on IRB-Foundation for corporate commitments from 30th June 2014 and IRB-Retail for retail commitments from 31st March 2015.