Organisation and Management
The Bank's operations are concentrated within Møre og Romsdal, where the Bank has branches in 16 municipalities in Sunnmøre, 6 in Romsdal and 2 in Nordmøre. At the end of 2014 the Group employed 412 persons, corresponding to 383 full-time equivalents.
The Board of Trustees is the Bank's supreme body. The Board of Trustees' main tasks are to confirm the statement of income and the statement of financial position, to appoint a Board of Directors made up of seven members, and a Control Committee consisting of four members. Following the election in 2015, the Board of Trustees of Sparebanken Møre will comprise a total of 44 trustees with 16 deputy trustees. The Board of Trustees consists of four groups, and after the election in 2015 these groups will be represented as follows: customers by 13 trustees and 4 deputy trustees, the public sector by 7 trustees and 4 deputy trustees, equity capital holders by 13 trustees and 4 deputy trustees, and employees by 11 trustees and 4 deputy trustees.
The Sparebanken Møre Group consists of the Parent Bank and three wholly owned subsidiaries. Møre Boligkreditt AS's purpose is to provide loans secured by mortgages on residential and commercial properties. Møre Eiendomsmegling AS provides real estate brokerage services for both residential homes and commercial properties. Sparebankeiendom AS is a real estate company which owns and manages the Bank's own commercial properties.

A new organisational structure was implemented during spring 2013. The changes in the organisation led to a simplification of the leadership structure, and enhanced customer focus since a larger part of the work processes and the employees have become more market-oriented. This also led to Sparebanken Møre strengthening advisory services towards the corporate sector.
Sparebanken Møre's head office is situated in Ålesund. The Bank's operations within Retail Banking are organised in the Retail Market Division. Each retail market branch is led by a bank manager who reports directly to the EVP, who in turn reports directly to the CEO. The Bank's customer-oriented activities are managed by a total of 30 branches.
The corporate activities in Sparebanken Møre are organised into three units: Sunnmøre, Søre Sunnmøre and Romsdal and Nordmøre. The EVPs of these three units report directly to the CEO. Corporate Banking Sunnmøre is organised into 6 branch departments and a insurance department, and is also responsible for developing and maintaining the Corporate Banking concept in the Bank.
In addition, the organisation consists of 5 divisions, each managed by an EVP. These also report to the CEO. In order to achieve an effective communication and decision-making process, management groups represent the foundation of Sparebanken Møre's management structure.