Statement of income

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
20132014Amounts in NOK millionNote20142013
  Interest income from:   
5351Loans to and receivables from credit institutions 7984
2 0402 075Loans to and receivables from customers18 23 1 4741 522
128111Certificates, bonds and other interest-bearing securities 111162
2 2212 237Interest income15 1 6641 768
  Interest costs in respect of:   
359Liabilities to credit institutions 1340
634610Deposits from and liabilities to customers18 23 610634
391410Debt securities issued 126168
8983Subordinated loan capital 8389
3032Other interest 3230
1 1791 144Interest costs15 864961
1 0421 093Net interest income19 800807
202315Other operating income20 472287
313324Wages, salaries etc.23 24 308297
133119Administration costs21 22 119133
446443Wages, salaries and general administration costs 427430
2825Depreciation, impairment and changes in value of non-financial assets21 25 26 2124
9596Other operating costs18 21 22 23 9292
675844Profit before impairment on loans 732548
5422Impairment on loans, guarantees etc.4 7 8 9 2254
621822Pre tax profit19 710494
171199Taxes28 129112
450623Profit after tax 581382
87136Dividend funds for the local community 1) 13687
79133Dividend for the EC holders 1) 13379
113157Transferred to the primary capital fund 157113
104154Transferred to the dividend equalisation fund 154104
-10Transferred to/from fund for unrealised gains 0-1
6842Transferred to other equity capital 00
450623Proposed distribution 581382
21.6531.20Result per EC (NOK) 2)29 29.1018.45
21.6531.20Diluted earnings per EC (NOK) 2)29 29.1018.45
1) To be transferred to other equity capital until the final resolution has been passed  
2) Transfer to/from fund for unrealised gains has been excluded from the calculation  
Statement of comprehensive income   
20132014Amounts in NOK millionNote20142013
450623Profit after tax 581382
  Other income/costs reversed in ordinary profit:   
7-13Equities available for sale - changes in value -137
  Other income/costs not reversed in ordinary profit:   
-36-102Pension estimate deviations -102-36
927Tax effect of pension estimate deviations28 279
431535Total comprehensive income after tax 493362