Statement of financial position - Group

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
(NOK million)Note31.12.202131.12.2020
Cash and claims on Norges Bank9 10 13 428542
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions9 10 13 8671 166
Loans to and receivables from customers4 5 6 9 11 13 69 92566 850
Certificates, bonds and other interest-bearing securities9 11 13 10 1858 563
Financial derivatives9 11 8101 793
Shares and other securities9 11 204178
Intangible assets 5156
Fixed assets 204224
Other assets 123114
Total assets 82 79779 486
(NOK million)Note31.12.202131.12.2020
Loans and deposits from credit institutions9 10 13 9802 209
Deposits from customers4 9 10 13 41 85339 023
Debt securities issued9 10 12 30 26328 774
Financial derivatives9 11 336537
Other provisions for incurred costs and prepaid income 8078
Pension liabilities 3557
Tax payable 334111
Provisions for guarantee liabilities 3950
Deferred tax liabilities 61194
Other liabilities 543543
Subordinated loan capital9 10 703702
Total liabilities 75 22772 278
EC capital14 989989
ECs owned by the bank -2-2
Share premium 357357
Additional Tier 1 capital 599599
Paid-in equity 1 9431 943
Primary capital fund 3 0942 939
Gift fund 125125
Dividend equalisation fund 1 8311 679
Other equity 577522
Retained earnings 5 6275 265
Total equity 7 5707 208
Total liabilities and equity 82 79779 486