Note 3

Losses and impairment on loans and guarantees
Specification of losses on loans, guarantees etc.    
 Q4 2016Q4 201531.12.201631.12.2015
Changes in individual impairment of loans and guarantees during the period10-141-60
Changes in collective impairment during the period14251996
Confirmed losses during the period where individual impairment had previously been made03813
Confirmed losses during the period where individual impairment had previously not been made115513
Losses on loans, guarantees etc.22252250
Individual impairment on loans
 Q4 2016Q4 201531.12.201631.12.2015
Individual impairment on loans as at 01.01/01.10708479141
Confirmed losses during the period, where individual impairment had previously been made03813
Increase in individual impairment during the period2479
Individual impairment of new commitments during the period1722622
Recoveries on individual impairment during the period1082580
Individual impairment on loans at the end of the period79797979
Collective impairment on loans
 Q4 2016Q4 201531.12.201631.12.2015
Collective impairment of loans as at 01.01/01.10267237262166
Changes during the period14251996
Collective impairment on loans at the end of the period281262281262
Individual impairment on guarantees
 Q4 2016Q4 201531.12.201631.12.2015
Individual impairment as at 01.01/01.100202
Individual impairment during the period0000
Recoveries on individual impairment during the period0202
Individual impairment at the end of the period0000