Statement of income - Group

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
(NOK million)NoteQ2 2021Q2 202030.06.202130.06.20202020
Interest income from assets at amortised cost 3944207789851 762
Interest income from assets at fair value 335369128192
Interest expenses 120207235505726
Net interest income3 3072666126081 228
Commission income and revenues from banking services 5550108104210
Commission expenses and charges from banking services 76151326
Other operating income 67121327
Net commission and other operating income7 5451105104211
Dividends 001622
Net change in value of financial instruments 1273452652
Net result from financial instruments7 1273463274
Total other income 66124151136285
Total income7 3733907637441 513
Salaries, wages etc. 8781170170332
Depreciation and impairment of non-financial assets 1111232446
Other operating expenses 6265125130252
Total operating expenses8 160157318324630
Profit before impairment on loans 213233445420883
Impairment on loans, guarantees etc.5 28424278149
Pre-tax profit 185191403342734
Taxes 42419075167
Profit after tax 143150313267567
Allocated to equity owners 138142302251540
Allocated to owners of Additional Tier 1 capital 58111627
Profit per EC (NOK) 1) 6.857.1615.1112.6227.10
Diluted earnings per EC (NOK) 1) 6.857.1615.1112.6227.10
Distributed dividend per EC (NOK) 4.5014.004.5014.0014.00
(NOK million) Q2 2021Q2 202030.06.202130.06.20202020
Profit after tax 143150313267567
Items that may subsequently be reclassified to the income statement:      
Basisswap spreads - changes in value -2-6-1103
Tax effect of changes in value on basisswap spreads 0120-1
Items that will not subsequently be reclassified to the income statement:      
Pension estimate deviations 0000-36
Tax effect of pension estimate deviations 00009
Total comprehensive income after tax 141145304267542
Allocated to equity owners 136137293251515
Allocated to owners of Additional Tier 1 capital 58111627
1) Calculated using the EC-holders' share (49.6 %) of the period's profit to be allocated to equity owners.