Note 6

Financial instruments at amortised cost
 Fair valueBook valueFair valueBook value
Cash and claims on Norges Bank1 1741 1741 1101 110
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions6436431 7991 799
Loans to and receivables from customers51 75551 75546 20346 203
Total financial assets53 57253 57249 11249 112
Loans and deposits from credit institutions784784727727
Deposits from and liabilities to customers32 21432 21430 63630 636
Debt securities23 27623 19221 63621 681
Subordinated loan capital and Perpetual Hybrid Tier 1 capital1 3941 3601 3611 341
Total financial liabilities57 66857 55054 36054 385
GROUP - 30.06.2017Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Cash and claims on Norges Bank1 174  1 174
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions 643 643
Loans to and receivables from customers  51 75551 755
Total financial assets1 17464351 75553 572
Loans and deposits from credit institutions 784 784
Deposits from and liabilities to customers  32 21432 214
Debt securities 23 276 23 276
Subordinated loan capital and Perpetual Hybrid Tier 1 capital 1 394 1 394
Total financial liabilities-25 45432 21457 668
GROUP - 30.06.2016Based on prices in an active marketObservable market informationOther than observable market information 
 Level 1Level 2Level 3Total
Cash and claims on Norges Bank1 110  1 110
Loans to and receivables from credit institutions 1 799 1 799
Loans to and receivables from customers  46 20346 203
Total financial assets1 1101 79946 20349 112
Loans and deposits from credit institutions 727 727
Deposits from and liabilities to customers  30 63630 636
Debt securities 21 636 21 636
Subordinated loan capital and Perpetual Hybrid Tier 1 capital 1 361 1 361
Total financial liabilities-23 72430 63654 360