Statement of income

Vi vil på det sterkeste beklage at tabellen ikke vil leses i 100% korrekt rekkefølge. Dette på grunn av at der ikke er tekniske løsninger som løser opplesning av komplekse tabeller. Vi arbeider med å finne en løsning, og regner med den skal være på plass til neste årsrapportering.
20192020(NOK million)Note20202019
2 3281 954Interest income 1 3091 612
1 014726Interest expenses 426605
1 3141 228Net interest income15 8831 007
221210Commission income and income from banking services 209220
2626Commission expenses and expenses from banking services 2626
2427Other operating income 4438
219211Net commission and other income16 227232
7474Net gains/losses from financial instruments17 303249
293285Total other operating income 530481
1 6071 513Total income4 1 4131 488
354332Wages, salaries etc.18 20 317340
143143Administration costs19 30 142143
497475Total wages, salaries and general administration costs 459483
5046Depreciation and impairment of non-financial assets19 30 31 32 5154
99109Other operating costs19 29 30 35 9280
961883Profit before impairment on loans 811871
50149Impairment on loans, guarantees etc.9 10 14860
911734Pre tax profit4 663811
200167Taxes21 102150
711567Profit after tax 561661
688540Allocated to equity owners 534638
2327Allocated to owners of Additional Tier 1 capital 2723
17645Dividend funds to the local community 1) 45176
17344Dividend to the EC-holders 1) 44173
146224Transferred to the primary capital fund 224146
144221Transferred to the dividend equalisation fund 221144
496Transferred to other equity capital 00
688540Proposed distribution 534638
34.5027.10Result per EC (NOK) 2)34 26.8332.00
34.5027.10Diluted earnings per EC (NOK) 2)34 26.8332.00
1) To be transferred to other equity capital until the final resolution has been passed  
2) Calculated using the EC-holders share (49.6 %) of the period's profit to be allocated to equity owners  
20192020(NOK million)Note20202019
711567Profit after tax 561661
  Other income/costs reversed in ordinary profit:   
23Change in value on basis swap spreads 00
0-1Tax effect of change in value on basis swap spreads21 00
  Other income/costs not reversed in ordinary profit:   
-29-36Pension estimate deviations20 -36-29
79Tax effect of deviations on pension estimates21 97
691542Total comprehensive income after tax 534639
668515Allocated to equity owners 507616
2327Allocated to owners of Additional Tier 1 capital 2723